



牙齿护理是整体和日常健康和卫生的重要组成部分. Research shows that proper oral health practices are often a key indicator of good overall health.  Dentists look to 牙科 assistants and 牙科保健师s to help them provide high-quality and comprehensive oral healthcare to their patients. 虽然角色听起来很相似, 他们有不同的责任和不同的教育要求, making it important that prospective students understand the difference between a 牙科助理vs. 在继续他们的教育之前,他是牙科保健师.

For those interested in a healthcare career but who aren’t inclined to dedicate the many years of training to becoming a dentist, both assistants and hygienists have the opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of patients. 通过获得教育,如通过 牙科 assistant training program or 副学士学位 in 牙科 hygiene program, graduates can enter the workforce with confidence and take the next step toward their professional goals. 


牙科 assistants play a key role in ensuring the smooth and effective operation of 牙科 practices. 负责为各种牙科手术提供协助, 调度流程, 消毒和整理工具, 基本行政职责, 牙医助理为牙医提供有效工作所需的支持. 

当你选择成为一名牙医助理还是一名牙医助理时. 牙科保健师, prospective students may want to consider if they’re inclined to balance both administrative and patient care or prefer patient-facing duties. 


牙科助理在手术之前、期间和之后都与病人密切合作. 顾名思义, 他们在检查时协助牙医, 牙根, 冠, 馅料, 还有其他任务. 牙科 assistants also take and develop X-rays as well as impressions of patients’ teeth for making models. 

牙科 assistants will also prepare and sterilize instruments and equipment before procedures and provide the patient with oral care instructions afterward. 在一些办公室, 牙科助理会处理行政事务, 比如安排约会和打提醒Phone. 


平衡管理和病人的任务, 牙医助理必须将软硬技能结合起来才能成功. 这些技能包括:

  • 沟通与团队合作. 牙科 assistants work with both patients and other 牙科 professionals; therefore, 他们必须有很强的倾听和沟通能力.
  • 时间管理. 牙科 assistants are often tasked with ensuring that patient visits run on time and handling an office’s scheduling.
  • 组织和注意细节. 从消毒工具到辅助手术, 牙科 assistants must prioritize cleanliness and organization to ensure that dentists and their patients have the tools they need to succeed.
  • 同理心和同情心. Oral care can be intimidating for many patients; by approaching patient concerns with understanding, 牙科 assistants can help to both ease appointment anxiety and encourage patients to be more comfortable seeking 牙科 care. 


全国都需要牙科保健师. 作为熟练的医疗专业人员, licensed 牙科保健师s are trained to provide preventive oral care to patients and assist dentists with comprehensive or advanced care services. 在决定是否成为一名 牙科助理vs. 牙科保健师,考虑牙科保健师的要求 更广泛的培训, allowing them to take on more challenging tasks and fulfill a more hands-on role in patient care. 

成为一名牙科保健师, students need to complete a focused academic program and earn 副学士学位 in 牙科 hygiene.  


牙科保健师是有执照的口腔保健专业人员. 虽然他们可能会履行一些与牙科助理相同的职责, 他们的角色有不同层次的责任. 

例如, 牙科保健师与病人密切合作, 收集他们的口腔和医疗健康史信息. 他们用工具去除牙石, 污渍, 还有牙齿上的牙菌斑, 他们会采取预防措施, 比如氟化物治疗. 牙科 hygienists make molds of patients’ teeth that are used for evaluating treatment, 他们为牙医绘制病人的牙齿状况图表.


与牙医一起工作, 牙科保健师s must build upon the skills of a 牙科 assistant with the addition of advanced skills including the following:

  • 技术技能. More complex procedures require 牙科保健师s to cultivate a thorough understanding of 牙科 equipment, 人体解剖学, 医疗保健技术.
  • 解决问题. 牙科保健师通常独立执行基本护理程序, making the ability to think clearly and make an informed decision essential to quality patient care.
  • 耐心和体力. 并非所有的医疗程序都能按计划进行. Whether 牙科保健师s are assisting a dentist or performing a procedure themselves, 他们提供的口腔保健需要很大的耐心和耐力.

牙科助理与牙科助理的区别. 牙科保健师

牙科 assistants and 牙科保健师s have the opportunity to explore a challenging and fulfilling career as oral health professionals. 虽然他们在很多方面都很相似, choosing between becoming a 牙科助理或牙科保健员 can depend on whether graduates are more interested in the procedural or organizational side of dentistry. 例如, 牙科 assistants are more likely to handle the preparatory or administrative side of a 牙科 practice, 而牙科保健师有资格提供更复杂的程序.

一个主要的区别是每个角色所需要的教育. 成为一名牙齿保健师需要更广泛的培训, with many states allowing 牙科 assistants to seek their training on the job or through a diploma program that often only requires a year to complete. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 牙科保健员必须完成, 至少, 副学士学位, with many going on to complete a bachelor’s- or master’s-level degree training throughout their career, earning an advanced training that allows them additional responsibilities and workplace autonomy. 

取决于他们的教育水平和经验, 牙科保健师s can increase their earning potential or pursue more senior roles than 牙科 assistants, 利用高等教育来发展他们的事业. 对于那些想知道成为一名牙科助理vs. 牙科保健师很适合他们, 这个决定很大程度上取决于未来365英国上市官网, 要理解这一点,就要从更密集的教育开始, 他们可以更容易地获得额外的认证和晋升.

Challenge Yourself with a Fulfilling Career as a 牙科助理 or 牙科保健师

医疗保健行业的职业既具有难以置信的挑战性,又令人满意. 通过追求一个角色 牙科助理或牙科保健员, future oral care professionals have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others while exploring the medical field and choosing a career trajectory that’s right f或者是m.

穿越富通 牙科辅助训练计划 或者是 牙科保健师副学士学位课程,  students can build the foundational knowledge and skills they need to begin pursuing a career as an oral health professional. Discover how an education from Fortis can help you enter the workforce and reach your goals. 


的确,牙科保健师vs. 牙医助理:它们有什么不同
事实上,牙医助理是做什么的? (加上工资和工作前景)
事实上,牙齿保健师是做什么的? (附常见问题及提示)
U.S. 劳工统计局,牙科助理
U.S. 劳工统计局,牙科保健师